Cpop Cinema

Film Reel image

Here, on the Cpop Cinema page, I will recommend certain films that might be of interest to the Cpop-savvy viewer. They may not be the greatest films ever made. Generally speaking, the acting is un-refined, and the plots stretch credibility way beyond the breaking point. But I still think they’re noteworthy for, among other things, the amusingly impractical plots, the flamboyant, mid-century styling, and the location photography that etched in celluloid the image of mid-century Southern California during the Cpop era. Yeah, Shakespeare might blush, but we’re really here to admire the settings, the backdrops, or, as the French say, the mise en scenes of these classically campy flicks. So, enjoy the farcical theatrics and pay close attention to the backgrounds for intermittent glimpses of the way Southern California use to look when it looked its best.

Bachelor in Paradise

Beach Blanket Bingo

Beach Party

Bikini Beach


The Endless Summer

Far From Heaven

Fireball 500

For Those Who Think Young


The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

How to Stuff a Wild Bikini

I Love You Alice B. Toklas

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

The Model Shop

Muscle Beach Party


Pajama Party

Palm Springs Weekend

The Satan Bug

Ski Party

Strangers When We Meet

Swiss Family Robinson

That Thing You Do

Thunder Alley